ss_blog_claim=87d912d47e189099ba8e6a359c2c2486 Lilyruths "This and that friendly cottage": TO Live Longer EAT PIZZA

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February 15, 2008

TO Live Longer EAT PIZZA

The tomato sauce in pizza is loaded with one of Mother Nature's most powerful disease-fighting compounds, lycopene, along with a healthy close of vitamin C. Studies show this combination can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. And don't forget the basil topping! Its overflowing with nutrients renowned for tht ability to deactivate cancer-causing substances than sneak into your body from pesticides, pollutions, and other threats in our environment. So enjoy that next piece of pizza your about to eat, and include it in your diet.


Mariuca said...

Oh great, I love pizza! Thanks for dropping by my blog, hope u had a nice Valentine's day! :):):)

Unknown said...

the kids can live on youngest has to have pizza rolls for lunches at school everyday or nothing at all...they can be so picky..they mac and cheese too...

lilyruth said...

thanks for your comments I myself love pizza and eat it every week. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

i love u for saying a good thing bout pizza.
i eat pizza a lot n now i wont feel guilty for eating it a lot. hehe...