ss_blog_claim=87d912d47e189099ba8e6a359c2c2486 Lilyruths "This and that friendly cottage": Old Folks Remedies-Broken nails, ingrown toe nails, corns, feet

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May 10, 2008

Old Folks Remedies-Broken nails, ingrown toe nails, corns, feet

Here's a few tips for common problems. Rejuvenate tired feet by pampering them with a soothing bath in a mixture of barley or millet. Use about two cups in ten cups of water. Slowly bring to a slow boil, once it gets to a soup like consistency take off heat, let cool. When at a comfortable temperature pour into large container and soak your feet for a half hour.

Ingrown toenails cause a lot of pain. This tip can work wonders! At bedtime put a lemon wedge on the sore toe and secure in place. By morning, the juices should soften the inflamed skin enough to allow you to trim the nail away from the skin it worked its way into. Trim toe nails flat do not round corners to help prevent reoccurrence.

Corns can be rubbed with castor oil or with a vitamin E capsule. Repeat daily for two weeks and you should be able to easily get rid of your corns.

Know someone who got really smelly feet? Try this. Let four to six tea bags steep fifteen to twenty minutes in a large bowl. Transfer to a good sized basin, add enough cool water to just cover your feet, let soak for half an hour. The tannin in the tea should get rid of the bacteria that cause the odor. Wash feet well after use to avoid staining. Repeat several times a day for a couple of weeks.

For broken nails rub an onion or garlic juice several times a day. Try eating almonds and lots of green vegetables. Brittle nails may be a sign of iron deficiency and some serious diseases.

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