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February 27, 2008

How to Fold a T-shirt in Two Seconds

If your like me there is no easy way to fold a t-shirt. That is until now that I happen to run across this Video. Altho I still have not gotten the hang of that little twist that he does under handed. But Im sure you all will get the hang of it and be folding your t-shirts in two seconds after you do your laundry. Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know how long it took you to fold a t-shirt?? It took me 3 minutes(FROWN) ENJOY

2 Second T-Shirt Fold!! - video powered by Metacafe


Tips for Makeup and Beauty said...

Very interesting...That was fast!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha... i tried but didnt work out. hahaha..... will practise some more! =P