ss_blog_claim=87d912d47e189099ba8e6a359c2c2486 Lilyruths "This and that friendly cottage": How can I do more with Links

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January 8, 2008

How can I do more with Links

I was having a problem not being able to link back to my Blog. Links was giving me the trouble because not knowing alot about computer codes and scripts and stuff like that. I looked all over the internet and even asked some of my friends if they could help me solve a problem I was having concerining Links which it seems they could not help me out or they did not understand the way I explained the problem, finally after days of searching and finding no help I finally found what I was looking for and being as I had so much trouble locating this information I thought it be nice if I passed it on to some of you new bloggers who like me have trouble with Links and their codes,so I do hope this article will be of help to many of you who like me do not know alot about links. I also invite your comments.I do hope tis will be of help I know it was big help to me. How can I do more with links?
Note: These tips can be used when you are directly editing the HTML of a post or template. They won't work with the Link List widget of Layouts.

The HTML for a basic link looks like this: TEXT

With this code, someone looking at your webpage will see the word or words you have as the TEXT. This text will be highlighted, and when clicked on, the browser window will go to the address specificed by the URL.

You can also create a link that people can use to email you. In the example above, just replace the http:// with mailto: and use your email address in place of the URL. It would looks something like this: Email me!

Sometimes, you may want to link to another webpage, but have it open in a new browser window, leaving the original webpage open beneath it. To do this, you can just add target="_blank" to the link. This tells the browser to make a new, blank window for the link. The link would then look like this: TEXT

Let me know if this is helpful?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Lilyruth.
p.s. per your note, I am already linked to you from the dog and cat blogs ( I have my blogroll collapsed becaue it takes up too much room on the page) but have now added both your sites to my new living well blog too. I have RSS'd your second blog also. Sorry I haven't been around much - my new blog set up has taken a lot of time away from my visiting - but if you leave a comment, I will return the favor. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

really userfull post, thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Am glad you thought this article ws useful I try to find articles that I think will help out.