ss_blog_claim=87d912d47e189099ba8e6a359c2c2486 Lilyruths "This and that friendly cottage": TIps n Tricks Old Folks Remedies

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April 24, 2008

TIps n Tricks Old Folks Remedies

Lilyruths"This and that friendly cottage" Pets welcomed. "Old folks remedies, to cure what ailes you.. Theres weird and Bizarre articles and funny pictures. Its a weird place with strange facts or whatever I come across on the web. Banish Pesky ants with LEMONS... Tenderize tough cuts of meat with TEA... Wipe out weeds with VINEGAR. Another Old Folks Remedy but this one is for Stinky Feet and alot of us have this problem so try this Old Folks Remedy: Another Old Folks Remedy:

Isopropyl alcohol helps stinky feet. Apply with a cotton ball after each shower.

Twice a day, get a shallow basin, insert feet, and pour enough FULL STRENGTH WHITE VINEGAR over feet to completely wet them (though I use more, a half cup should do it) and let them soak for a few minutes. Tell your daughter to wiggle her toes and use one foot to wet the other.

Remove Feet (DO NOT RINSE) and throw away the used vinegar.
THese are just a few tips to help you out. I will post more later on.. Thanks for stopping by. If you have a comment by all means leave it..


Susan said...

Do your feet end up smelling like vinegar? My grandson has stinky feet but I know he and his mom hate the smell of vinegar. I do too actually. I love reading this blog. You're doing a great job! your friend, Susan

Anonymous said...

A Good Read.... Nice Blog

Anonymous said...

Great nice & tips than x each point is appreciated